Preparing your home for the holidays starts with planning. Make a list of tasks: cleaning rooms, decorating, cooking. Divide the responsibilities between family members......
Go overWooden furniture requires special care to maintain its appearance. Wipe it regularly with a soft cloth dampened with water and a drop of dishwashing liquid. This will r......
Go overClean windows make the house brighter and more comfortable. To wash the glass, use warm water with vinegar added (1 tablespoon per liter of water). It is cheap and effe......
Go overThe kitchen stove is an area of increased attention. To clean a gas stove, use soda and vinegar. Apply a paste of soda to dirty areas, leave for 15 minutes, and then......
Go overA washing machine requires regular maintenance to avoid breakdowns and unpleasant odors. Once a month, run an empty wash at high temperatures with vinegar or citric aci......
Go overHouseplants require regular care. Water them as needed, but avoid overwatering. Use a calendar or reminders to help you remember to water. Wipe the leaves with a damp......
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